I am OBSESSED with the new FEED bag-this one sold exclusively at Bergdorf Goodman. I have always loved seed beads and anything multicolored and the new beading on the bag incorporates both! I also love how Kenya is stitched in so you know exactly where your donation is going. The purchase of each bag-$195-feeds two Kenyan children for a year and helps to employ the women of the community. As far as I can tell, the bags are only available in store, but I may be calling the store to order one...learn more here.
After a spring/summer line that was much less amazing than I would have liked, AE's fall line is amazing! I love all the preppy details (patches, madras, neck-tie collars on blazers), and the whimsical sweaters-yay for polka dots! Available here.
The arrival of the J.Crew catalogue was enough to get me through summer school finals. While the color palette this fall is much more subdued than I typically like, all of the feminine pieces, intricate details and luxurious fabrics have me wishing that I could buy it all!
As everyone knows-I love anything and everything nautical and these dresses from Motel Clothing are my new favorites! They will go perfectly with my red Bakelite anchor broach! Available on motelrocks.com
Everyone's favorite basic's company is coming out of the closet and into your bedroom with a line of very basic bed linens in white and gray. I can't decide whether these are the prettiest gray sheets I've ever seen or whether the lack of other colors make them snoozeworthy. You be the judge.
Kate Spade designed this bag to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of New York. It's outstanding-one side is black, the other is natural canvas and each of the colored dots (reminiscent of NYC subway numbers) correspond to a uniquely New York locale which is explained on the inside of the tote. Available here.
I love these menswear inspired/nautical pieces from Steven Alan, they are perfect, airy additions to a summer wardrobe-and bonus-THEY'RE ON SALE here